Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Favorites: incase you wanted to know....

DannyFerb! survey!

Justin Bieber Doll Pics ARE HERE!

Yeah. As you see, I changed the title. Critics....anyway, I have the JB photos! After going to see the director's film cut today.... well, it just really motivated me. So...enjoy the smexiness of the BIEBER!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

So Apparentlly...

I think I am going to start every entry like this. So I got this awesome, badass justin bieber doll. Yeah, doll!! Not actionfigure, or barbie. DOLL!! I'll post pics later. But, I love him. he is sooo cute!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

So Apparentlly....

I forgot to upload this pic of Jo Ann and David. Family Pic. We just figured out how to use the timer on my digital camera.

From Left to Right:
Ariel, Jo Ann, David

So Apparentlly....

I prob. speeled the name and title of my whole blog wrong, but, who really cares.  Not like anyone is actually going to follow it. So anyway... Jo Ann left for her Bicycle Trip Across America. She got a couple of pics of me in their sleeping quarters (just wait to see the pics) so, yeah.

Follow their blog here :

But at least follow me too. The messenger is just as important as the message.

MY QUOTE! haha use if you want. Just credit ARIEL. haha.....

No school today, either. Only an inch of snow.....well, whatever.  I will be in DC when they have to make up all these days!!!:)

Enjoy this picture of my cat. Her name is Claire. Yes, she is a spaz.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

So Apparentlly....

So Apparentlly....

I started a new blogger site thing. I have been starting soooo many things lately without really sticking to them, but that's just me. I really think the whole 'So Apparentlly' thing might catch on. I don't know. I'll give you guys my Twitter and possiblly Skype if I decide to do that to. I would also like to let you all know that I am related to Jo Ann Schindler (or however  you spell her last name) who is riding her bike across the southern U.S. I am her neice!!! I am also considered awesome. so, hear my epic awesomeness! Soo yeah. Maybe I will talk to you all later. Before I go, this is my Twitter:!/ariel91496